
:-O :-O :-O Yey!

Today I’d like to bring up the fact that, in addition to the eternal shred I unleash upon the infidel filth plaguing the lands of Azeroth, my raiding guild THE LEAGUE has two other “The Ret™s.”

Master Voronwe is our quiet medatative brother of shred. His unnatural level of silence causes the ventrilo server to quiver in fear of his judgement. Though deep inside he holds back levels of anger equal to my own.

Shye on the other hand is as outwardly angry as I am, invoking his righteous judgement upon evil shits in the form of verbal abuse. You may have seen us around before, we’re kind of a big deal:


Shye also keeps a blog dedicated to the pursuit of justice (WOW THATS A RET TALENT, ORIGINALITY LOL).

In all seriousness, Shye’s blog is pretty awesome. You’ll find everything from Ret comments to epic levels of berating awful: RP, Furries, and other stupid shit.

VISIT IT HENCEFORTH: http://wiseplusbrave.wordpress.com/

Also as proper tribute to a fellow Paladin, I feel the urge to display a pic of Shye in all his glory:

Lol, I luv u buddy 😛

As far as Art of Shred goes, I’ve added the “Wall of Deebus” I detailed a couple posts back. This will be a growing collection of random screenshots intended to be humorous in nature (Or malicious… I mean uh, what?)

You can access the Wall of Deebus page from the sidebar or just click the link below:


~ Reeman

~ by Reeman on May 25, 2010.

4 Responses to “Updates!”

  1. You don’t how much happiness fills me to see another post. I thought you might have died
    on your week out of town. And from what i have heard though the grapevine is you have been causing mucho trouble in our capitals. Why did you have to do all the fun things once I was gone. QQ though i ment to ask what do you plan to do in catta. You stating belf or going cow or playing another toon. I think I already mentioned switching from human tauren. Go go gadget ret bulls? I mean for pvp you would get HoJ, war stomp, and an interupt. Sounds pretty op. But i guess belf have the silence. Idk going to be fun I am so looking forward to it.

  2. Holy shit, maybe replying to my comments would be a good idea. xD

    I’ll probably just stick with Blood Elf tbh. I just can’t imagine turning Reeman into a Tauren and have any sort of decent feeling playing it. I think Tauren Paladins are a bit of a silly stretch lorewise tbh.

    • Yeah but the idea of ret bull makes me giggle. But I like the belf animations better. But I can’t wait. I need to faction transfer when I get back lol horde ftw?

  3. Double post ftl but you need to message me an e mail or something got to keep in contact with fellow rets. Also /cry at all the world pvp happening when i left. I have heard from mez that the raids if IF have been very epic.

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