This just in from MMO-Champion’s list of blue talk from the #BlizzChat Developer Chat on Twitter 4/16.

Q. What information/ideas can you share on PvP utility in the Retribution tree? Mandatory gap closer/interrupt question. Not having a cleanse will hurt. :\
A. Retribution paladins will be getting an interrupt. 🙂



FINALLY. The quality of my life just improved by 13.41% from this announcement. I hope this isn’t them joking around and is indeed up and coming.

EDIT: Also, figure I’ll just shoot this out here in case some form of giant flying homomongus demon filth IRL prevent me from finishing some changes and a new post for a few days. I’m going to update the Sidebar with better details and a new description page, and some links to other blogs and resources and such shortly. Also expect a retarded screenshot gallery of stupid shit I’ve done over the course of the game. Stay tuned for more :-O

~ by Reeman on April 17, 2010.

4 Responses to “OMG”

  1. I got to say that with in 5 minutes of reading this blog you had me laughing so hard. But as I scroll down and sift though all the fun and games I still see a lot of information and a person that knows his stuff when it comes to the Paladin Community. You sir have been bookmarked and I hope to theroycraft with you some day soon.

  2. Oh snap, thanks for breaking the comment cherry Randell! 😛

    I appreciate your positive feedback, thank you. I’ll be sure to can failure this time and actually keep this blog updated on at least something like a weekly basis with extra when I have the inspiration.

    ~ Ree

  3. NO worries Ree, I will be gentle ^.^ We paladins have to stick together man. You know the one thing you didn’t mention in this post….With the nerf to bubble, WE CAN’T BUBBLE HEARTH!!!!!!!!111!!!!! >.. Just thought I would put that out there

  4. Sorry for the double post but…I had to, those pictures, PRO AS HELL….Oh! Also forgot to mention there is a very high chance, like…75-80% chance that I’m going to make Randell a Ret bull in catta >.> So know any horde guilds that will need a ret/holy/prot pally ^.

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