Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Shreddical Healing Wisdom

Been a few days since I posted. I’ve got a list of issues I need to post about and address on here, but I spent the last few days shredding my Mage alt up to level 50 to train 375 Enchanting. So our guild enchanters will be happy to know I’ll no longer be pegging their mailboxes with shit to DE.

Anyway… that’s all unimportant because tonight glory was obtained as we purged the God of Evil Vile shit (Yogg-Saron), without the assistance of our good friend Hodir. Our Discipline Priest Evelinda recently gathered all the shards, and earned a shiny new Val’anyr tonight. A big congratulations on a server first 80 legendary!

Click to enlarge

That fight goes from being fairly lol to quite a pain in the ass at just the loss of a single keeper buff.  Hodir provides a -20% damage taken buff, as well as the standard 10% damage buff of any keeper, so our tanks were taking far more of a beating in P3 and DPS had to be on top of their game ripping into the Immortal Guardians. We spent a good portion of the night on the fight and were honestly about ready to give up when we pulled it together and kicked that fuck right in his 1401401 teeth.

Anyway, thats all for now. Soon to come, I’m going to post some thoughts up about 3.2 Paladin changes as well as the general patch and pvp changes.

~ Ree

~ by Reeman on July 6, 2009.

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