Algalon the Observer

•June 30, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Friday night while I was at work, our A-team 10 man group kicked the shit out of Mimiron Hard mode – the last of our important achievements remaining for the meta (Lolo we need Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare) as well as the last hump to get over to reach Algalon.

We went into the fight mostly blind, as I doubt many of us expected to be doing the fight this week. But after a good 15 minutes of reading and discussion we whipped up a plan, rolled in and… experienced an acid trip of crazy heavy hitting bossery.

This fight is pretty insane, and I had little hope in my heart of defeating such a powerful entity. Upon his arrival he talks about analyzing the planet to see if its pro enough to avoid being hosed by the Titans. When you engage him the room explodes in an acid trip of sparkling blue shit and he pretty much laughs at you. AND I CAN SEE WHY. For starters, this guy is made of K’nex! Yes, thats right, fucking glowing ethereal K’nex!!!


This means you’re pretty much fucked straight off the bat, because K’nex are cool as shit, and hard as hell to break apart.

BUT, on top of that, throughout the fight he makes fucking shapes out of K’nex and throws them at you. The shapes shoot lasers at you and have to be dragged into black holes to be destroyed. (WTF kind of K’nex are these?!!?!!)


Mixed in with all this is stars flying around, meteors that come from BELOW you and knock your ass clear into the air if you don’t get out of the way, and copious amounts of damage smashing your tank into oblivion. Every 90 seconds, he pretty casts an ability called Big Bang and everyone but the tank has to run into the Black holes and take cover for a second. It’s pretty much Darkness of a Thousand Souls from the Kil’Jaeden fight all over again, complete with an 8 second cast time.

So after a few preliminary scouting attempts we set out to conquer this strange creation by countering it with a damage absorbing entity known as the tank.


However the first results of this incursion ended up looking something like this.


However, after bolstering the number of our healers up to from 2 to 3, we had much less trouble keeping the tank alive, and the dps pumped that fucker full of shred. Regardless, we made minimal progress and were getting completely overwhelmed by the army of laser spewing k’nex engulfing us.

After an hour of getting our asses kicked by the toys I used to build rollercoasters out of when I was kid, Algalon decided he had enough, lol’ed as us and exploded for some obscure amount of arcane damage. You know, he actually sounds somewhat like the announcer from PopCap’s Bejeweled when he says “FAREWELL MORTALS,” and its just about as scary as hearing the dreaded “NOOO MORE MOVEEESSS.” You pretty much just stand there like “Yeah, this sucks. Ain’t nothing I can do now.”

I look forward to more Algalon attempts this coming week. Perhaps we have a slim chance at downing him, but I believe we’ll need some time… and perhaps the aid of an erector set robot or some countering shit to fight these vile plastic creations.

Serious notes: This is a heavy damage output fight, there’s a lot going on and everyone is going to have to be quick on their feet to down him. Balancing enough healing to keep the tank up as well as heal the raid through bursts of damage via exploding stars and Living Constellation’s feels as though it will be the main challenge in the fight. We didn’t have any problem ripping off 25% of of his health in around a minute even with 3 healers in the raid so, the damage is there with a solid set of buffed players. It’s just those transition phases that are going to be a bitch to get down. Feels like this fight may be somewhat like Illidan was, hard to get down at first, but very easy after everyone knows exactly what to do.

~ Reeman


•June 30, 2009 • 1 Comment

Alright, so as much as I blab my retarded mouth in guild chat about a million and one things I figured I’d start a blog so I can post up my thoughts and opinions on WoW.

My name is Reeman and I am a lvl 80 BE Ret Paladin on Sentinels. —(Insert Armory Link here, fuck maintenance)— Some call me the shredmaster, some call me Reetard, some call me an asshole, you can call me whatever you like.

I played a Human Retribution Paladin aeons ago before the time of the Burning Crusade. A dark age when people cried out in angry protest to the thought of a paladin ever doing damage. DPS gear dropped and 10 people in guild would have a conniption fit from hell if a Ret Paladin displayed any interest in it. To some extent they were right, but despite the simplicity of the game back then I was still a better player than a lot of our DPS and put my gear to good use. However, the attitude eventually drove me off and I rerolled Horde (thank fuck). I spent about 3 years playing the scapegoat, beatsticked, nerfbatted, underbalanced, Shaman class. Enhancement was amazing back in the day and I fondly remember cruising around WSG with a full premade annihilating people with a two-hander. I put endless effort into playing the class for the longest time, but after PvP balance issues and perhaps just the lack of change and lack of direction I wanted the class to take, drove me away. So I returned to my roots, and got a Paladin up to level 80 in January.

The basic intention of this blog is to talk about the Paladin class (mostly, Ret centric issues. I don’t dabble in healing on this class, and my primary focus is not on prot so I’ll only make comments when relevent). Along with this will come my discussion and thoughts on the balance, difficulty, etc of current venues of content available. While my primary focus is on PvE content, I am an avid pvper and spend a good deal of time shredding things with a huge hammer to the teeth. Lastly, there will probably be a shitload of retarded terminology, bad acronysms, excessive swearing and perhaps very opinionated comments shared on this blog. If such offends you, you may not enjoy reading this. I do like to try and laugh, or make people laugh, so I intend to keep this light and entertaining as much as I can.

More to come soon enough,

~ Reeman